This year, the Hall Foundation asked our employees, “What does blood donation mean to you?” We wanted to hear how blood donations have impacted their lives, so we asked, “Why do you donate?” Their stories touched our hearts and inspired us to give back in any way we can.

We had great support from our employees and the community at four blood drives in Rexburg, Idaho Falls, Gilbert, and Tucson. At the Idaho Falls blood drive, Just 4 Kids Health gave a health refresher on CPR, how to use an AED device and basic first aid. We also learned about the value of the Text 4 health program. 

Thank you all for making this lifesaving event possible!

Charity Work

SouthEastern Idaho

Friends of
the children

In partnership with child welfare systems, schools and community-based organizations, Friends of the Children invites children ages 4-6 and pairs them with a salaried, professional mentor (a friend) who stays with them from kindergarten through graduation – 12 years, no matter what. Their motto is “Generational Change”, one child at a time. This model is founded on research showing that the single most important factor in overcoming childhood adversity is a long-term, nurturing relationship with a consistent, caring adult.

The Hall Foundation was able to match donations made during the Idaho Gives campaign, donating $5,000 to Friends of the Children Eastern Idaho.

Phoenix, arizona

phoenix Kappa league

The Hall Foundation was able to partner with The Phoenix Chapter of the Kappa League to provide three $500 scholarships to three deserving young men to attend Arizona State University.

The goal of the Phoenix Kappa League program is to assist young leaders in reaching their potential. In addition, the Phoenix Kappa League is an organization oriented towards helping students in grades 7th-12th develop their talents and potential in every field of human endeavor. It provides both challenging and rewarding experiences via mentor-led, oriented activities. The Kappa League members are introduced to strategizing, planning, and executing ideas that are the foundation of good leadership characteristics designed to raise awareness.


The Foundation donated $10,000 to the American Red Cross.

“Our partners at the Brad and Andrea Hall Foundation bring multifaceted support to the Red Cross. In addition to being great blood drive partners through mobilizing their own work force, they further underwrite the cost of biomedical services so help ensure safe blood is always there when needed.”


WIldfire relief efforts

Employees from Senergy Petroleum in New Mexico gathered and distributed $2,500 worth of supplies, including water and sanitation supplies, for people in their community displaced by wildfires.

Meet our students



“I [want to] express my sincere appreciation for your generous support in covering my tuition for the Spring Semester 2024. Your assistance is instrumental in helping me continue my education, and I am deeply appreciative of your investment in my academic and personal growth.

Thanks for your support, it will help me to fully focus on my studies and make the most of the opportunities ahead. I am committed to making this semester one of significant learning and achievement.

Thank you once again for your generosity and for believing in my potential.”


South africa

“I am deeply grateful for being awarded the Hall Foundation Scholarship. This generous bursary alleviates financial stress and enables me to focus on my studies. Your support inspires me to excel academically and contribute positively to society.”



“Thank you so much . . . I was at the point of giving up, but you came to my aid.”


This is How we Rise Together!

The Hall Foundation is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization.